on 20 Mar 2019

Logos play an imperative role in every company’s marketing and that’s why they are considered as the cornerstone of the business. An impeccably designed logo will not only help you to uplift your brand image in the market but also gives an identity to your brand. Thus, the logo plays an important role when it comes to building a brand because it speaks for your business. Though you can design your company’s logo by yourself, if you want a professionally designed logo, you should hire the best graphic design company in India for your logo designing.

Designing Company Logo

But designing a logo is not a facile job. From concept to colour to font, there are many things that you need to consider. Here, we are mentioning some questions that you should ask while designing your company’s logo.

1. What are the different types of logos?

Various types of logos are available in the market.

•Wordmarks: These are basically a freestanding word or multi-letter abbreviation group which forms a logo. Companies that use this type of logo are IBM, CNN, Google, eBay, etc.

Word Marks

•Letterform: Here, logos are made of a single letter. Example: Honda, Uber, McDonald’s, etc.
•Pictorial: In this type, logos are illustrated as symbols of recognizable things. Example: Twitter, Starbucks, etc.
•Abstract: Here, logos represent some abstract arts. Example: Nike logo

2. Which type of logo is ideal for my business?

Now, you have adequate knowledge about various logos, you can choose any of them as per your company’s name and nature of your business. If you have a short company name, a wordmark logo would be your ideal choice. Generally, wordmark and letterform logos are easily remembered by your customers as compared to an abstract logo.

3. What key points should your logo communicate?

You should choose a logo which clearly communicates to your customers’ about your business. For this, you should find out the top three things that you want to convey through your logo and incorporate those things into the design.

4. What colours should you choose?

You should wisely choose colours for your logo design. It would be a prudent decision for you if you choose those colours that your competitors didn’t incorporate in their logos. You also need to do some research on colour psychology. Because some colours are preferred by certain industries when it comes to branding. Most of the banks and other financial institutes usually choose a green colour as it symbolizes money and harmony.

5. What fonts should you consider?

Like colours, the font also conveys emotion and messages to your customers. Like straightforward and bold fonts are suitable for a legal firm as they convey justice, honour, and strength. On the other hand, a toy shop can choose a whimsical font as it communicates fun, liveliness, and youth.

6. Do you need to hire a graphic designer?

You can create a logo by yourself if you are artistic and skilful. But if you want a professional logo that will uplift your brand image in front of the market, you should hire a graphic design company for this purpose. Because they will perfectly understand your need and your business type, so accordingly, they will design the best logo for your company which will help you to stand out from the dunces.

7. How much it will cost?

A professional logo design firm will charge a little bit of extra money for your logo. So, take a quotation from at least 2 or 3 companies and choose the one who gives you a competitive rate.

8. Where should you display your logo?

A logo should be placed in all your business communications. You can place it on your website, digital ad campaigns, and social media pages. For offline, you can put your logo on outdoor hoardings, banners, business cards, product packaging, uniform and stationaries.

Global Branding

9. What mistakes should you avoid?

While you are planning to design your logo, analyse your competitors’ logo thoroughly. If your logo has similarities with your contenders, then customers may not able to identify you and if this happened, you will certainly lose business.

10. Is your logo timeless?

It is true that timeless logos are the simplest ones and they are loved by many people. Though many companies don’t bother how their logo will look after one or two decades, still, you should consider it. Your logo is your identity and recognition. By revamping it repeatedly, you will give your company a treacherous feel. To stay competitive in this era, you should avoid it. On the other hand, timeless logos are highly appreciated because they are purely established on the core of your brand and business.

These are some questions that you should ask when designing your company’s logo.

Are you looking for a professional graphic design company who will help you in making your company’s logo? Take a look at the profile of Buttercup. This is a promising graphic design company in India who will give you the best logo designs for your company. By visiting their site, you will get more information about them and their services.

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